Surely we should be determined to voluntarily. To prevent disease outbreak. Rub and rub hands to rub and massage evenly. Do not put your hands on your eyes, nose or mouth. And limit going to crowded places. Repel the Corona Corona virus. Always improve
Surely we should be determined to voluntarily. To prevent disease outbreak. Rub and rub hands to rub and massage evenly. Do not put your hands on your eyes, nose or mouth. And limit going to crowded places. Repel the Corona Corona virus. Always improve your health. And clean the space around you. Together raise awareness of society. Repel the Corona Corona virus. there is Corona. there is Corona. Although difficult, but the people are trying. Do not let me continue to grow. Surely we should raise our guard. Do not let her spread. Surely we should be determined to voluntarily. To prevent disease outbreak. Rub and rub hands to rub and massage evenly. Do not put your hands on your eyes, nose or mouth. And limit going to crowded places. Repel the Corona Corona virus. Always improve your health. And clean the space around you.Ũ ĐIỆU RỬA TAY II GHEN CÔ VY II NIOEH x KHẮC HƯNG x MIN x ERIK II MediaMart Cover